A PAPA trophy
Results of PAPA-5

Review of the tournament format for for A, B, C, Women's and Junior Divisions

All qualifiers played Maverick, Twilight Zone, Street Fighter 2, Star Trek TNG, World Cup Soccer, Freddy Kreuger, Demolition Man, and Tommy (in order except in some cases of backups due to malfunction). All scores were totaled and the top 17 qualified for the playoffs, with numbers 18, 19, and 20 as alternates.

The playoffs consisted of head-to-head matches in groups of 3 or 4, on Shadow, Shaq Attaq, Frankenstein, and Dirty Harry. PAPA points are used for scoring: 10 for the highest score within a group, 5 for second, 1 for third, and 0 for last.

The top qualifier gets a bye for the first round. Everyone else splits into four groups as follows: 2-15-16-17 3-12-13-14 4-9-10-11 5-6-7-8. The top 8 players with the most PAPA points advance (along with the top qualifier) to the semifinals, where they compete in groups of three. The top 4 players with the most PAPA points in the semifinals advance to the finals. Ties are broken by adding the scores of the 4 playoff games.

Click Here for Chris Guilmartin's Summary and commentary a day after the tournament.

This page is maintained by
Dave Stewart, dstewart@eng.cmu.edu