Player #382 - Seth Lettofsky

Entry #3312 (division C)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 World Cup Soccer 698,987,600 10  78 
 Funhouse 2,187,140 113 
 Cirqus Voltaire 6,871,750 113 
 The Addams Family 28,777,450 103 
 Twilight Zone 41,075,700 172 
 Total 78 

Entry #3432 (division C)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 World Cup Soccer 631,797,440 19  69 
 Cirqus Voltaire 3,913,780 196 
 Funhouse 15,218,260 90 
 The Addams Family 72,202,100 17  71 
 Twilight Zone 68,831,960 135 
 Total 230 

Entry #3504 (division C)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 World Cup Soccer 69,002,000 211 
 Funhouse 2,576,880 90 
 The Addams Family 7,274,300 210 
 Twilight Zone 191,620,030 32  56 
 WhoDunnit 239,863,270 156 
 Total 56 

Entry #3511 (division C)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 World Cup Soccer 266,207,300 104 
 Funhouse 1,983,990 122 
 Cirqus Voltaire 9,622,200 69  19 
 The Addams Family 5,990,200 217 
 Twilight Zone 82,603,250 117 
 Total 19 

This listing may not reflect all voided entries, nor does it include any entries played in a lower division (for players who have moved up).

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