Entry #3298 (division C)

Machine Score Rank Points
The Addams Family 100,609,710 12 76
World Cup Soccer 209,388,700 230 0
CSI 2,559,290 251 0
The Simpsons Pinball Party 1,039,650 327 0
Rolling Stones 14,671,720 82 6
Total 82

Entry #3678 (division C)

Machine Score Rank Points
The Addams Family 32,582,850 139 0
Iron Man 4,653,710 198 0
Rolling Stones 39,051,350 11 77
World Cup Soccer 133,643,590 319 0
The Simpsons Pinball Party 4,288,590 108 0
Total 77

Entry #3737 (division C)

Machine Score Rank Points
Iron Man 3,420,230 300 0
The Addams Family 62,603,110 46 42
Rolling Stones 16,030,770 67 21
Twilight Zone 27,032,710 303 0
World Cup Soccer 278,986,130 167 0
Total 63

This listing does not include entries never turned in, nor entries invalidated by moving up to a higher division.