Entry #8189 (division C)

Machine Score Rank Points
Iron Man 4,339,010 218 0
Terminator 2 72,524,730 12 76
Rolling Stones 12,658,650 104 0
CSI 1,845,060 330 0
Wheel of Fortune 3,194,250 185 0
Total 76

Entry #8190 (division C)

Machine Score Rank Points
Iron Man 3,583,470 284 0
Terminator 2 15,706,980 126 0
The Simpsons Pinball Party 2,812,120 157 0
Rolling Stones 3,782,720 316 0
Wheel of Fortune 2,971,570 203 0
Total 0

This listing does not include entries never turned in, nor entries invalidated by moving up to a higher division.