Entry #3484 (division C)

Machine Score Rank Points
The Addams Family 32,629,890 138 0
CSI 2,592,730 247 0
The Simpsons Pinball Party 1,156,750 310 0
Rolling Stones 24,813,150 31 57
World Cup Soccer 411,998,610 95 0
Total 57

Entry #3485 (division C)

Machine Score Rank Points
The Addams Family 15,333,430 258 0
Iron Man 3,638,730 277 0
The Simpsons Pinball Party 2,937,260 151 0
Rolling Stones 3,330,840 347 0
World Cup Soccer 229,788,270 216 0
Total 0

This listing does not include entries never turned in, nor entries invalidated by moving up to a higher division.