Player #119 - Bob Winter

Entry #1008 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Funhouse 1,319,770 151 
 Lord of the Rings 4,980,310 164 
 Dracula 26,229,680 125 
 Whitewater 33,807,530 171 
 No Good Gofers 11,242,310 97 

Entry #1023 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Lord of the Rings 5,908,540 151 
 Twilight Zone 64,854,400 191 
 Demolition Man 262,137,240 151 
 Whitewater 390,881,230 90 
 Creature from the Black Lagoon 30,323,270 81 

Entry #1040 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Funhouse 6,745,750 69  19 
 Lord of the Rings 21,679,270 87 
 No Good Gofers 23,430,030 58  30 
 Dracula 10,962,490 151 
 Demolition Man 786,352,230 86 
 Total 52 

Entry #1066 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Funhouse 12,149,660 33  55 
 Dracula 226,569,930 30  58 
 Whitewater 127,801,720 148 
 Demolition Man 1,037,869,940 68  20 
 Twilight Zone 71,335,230 190 
 Total 133 

Entry #1214 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Funhouse 2,168,230 125 
 No Good Gofers 34,270,790 35  53 
 Dracula 1,062,304,260 82 
 Whitewater 326,394,850 102 
 Demolition Man 566,993,600 105 
 Total 135 

Entry #1224 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Twilight Zone 103,080,560 167 
 Funhouse 1,110,930 155 
 Demolition Man 102,413,480 175 
 Whitewater 1,114,367,690 28  60 
 Dirty Harry 413,388,380 78  10 
 Total 70 

Entry #1240 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Funhouse 11,680,490 36  52 
 Twilight Zone 214,075,930 117 
 No Good Gofers 8,009,020 114 
 Dracula 9,308,330 155 
 Whitewater 444,809,180 79 
 Total 61 

Entry #1255 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Funhouse 3,669,420 94 
 Lord of the Rings 25,765,900 75  13 
 Whitewater 345,586,560 101 
 Dracula 12,239,540 147 
 Demolition Man 3,019,317,290 12  76 
 Total 89 

Entry #1316 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Funhouse 24,507,680 83 
 Whitewater 529,805,720 68  20 
 Demolition Man 1,311,221,800 50  38 
 Lord of the Rings 35,909,170 55  33 
 Dirty Harry 609,049,820 35  53 
 Total 227 

Entry #1495 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Johnny Mnemonic 1,674,408,920 83 
 Dirty Harry 288,735,260 104 
 Funhouse 4,823,390 83 
 Twilight Zone 0 225 
 Demolition Man 218,824,430 160 
 Total 10 

Entry #1511 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Creature from the Black Lagoon 18,894,780 99 
 Johnny Mnemonic 430,224,630 136 
 Dirty Harry 374,365,630 82 
 Funhouse 1,611,560 142 
 Twilight Zone 39,108,410 207 

Entry #1513 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Funhouse 6,352,820 73  15 
 Creature from the Black Lagoon 26,626,130 87 
 No Good Gofers 5,536,280 130 
 Lord of the Rings 12,796,490 112 
 Dirty Harry 209,229,360 127 
 Total 16 

Entry #1627 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Whitewater 214,797,090 120 
 Demolition Man 551,741,690 108 
 Funhouse 19,778,400 79 
 Dirty Harry 631,943,120 34  54 
 Lord of the Rings 6,804,060 143 
 Total 133 

Entry #4204 (division K2)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Dodge City 421 41  47 
 Star Pool 72,770 79 
 Mars Trek 68,200 58  30 
 Sure Shot 172,560 100 
 Total 256 

Entry #4224 (division K2)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Dodge City 730 23  65 
 Star Pool 56,250 17  71 
 Sure Shot 47,850 48  40 
 Volley 100,290 23  65 
 Total 241 

This player has 19 voided entries which do not affect the qualifying standings.

This listing may not reflect all voided entries, nor does it include any entries played in a lower division (for players who have moved up).

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