Player #164 - John R. Miller

Entry #1049 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Simpsons Pinball Party 16,734,520 46  42 
 Attack From Mars 527,838,390 141 
 Jack*Bot 2,847,898,830 37  51 
 Judge Dredd 108,274,760 113 
 World Cup Soccer 186,643,940 150 
 Total 93 

Entry #1077 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Congo 650,673,440 90 
 Whirlwind 3,374,380 85 
 Judge Dredd 80,928,440 126 
 Addams Family Gold 38,690,920 145 
 Sopranos 15,749,730 115 

Entry #1324 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Judge Dredd 217,521,650 66  22 
 Congo 580,510,230 98 
 Whirlwind 3,985,850 73  15 
 Addams Family Gold 212,434,950 79 
 Simpsons Pinball Party 2,203,950 127 
 Total 116 

Entry #1343 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Congo 943,115,720 54  34 
 Judge Dredd 252,088,510 49  39 
 Addams Family Gold 37,090,160 154 
 Whitewater 48,130,220 114 
 Jack*Bot 4,581,677,670 81 
 Total 154 

Entry #1365 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Judge Dredd 167,547,670 84 
 Congo 426,780,330 125 
 Addams Family Gold 33,273,930 165 
 Jack*Bot 2,752,391,800 39  49 
 Whitewater 404,029,910 37  51 
 Total 104 

Entry #1500 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Judge Dredd 48,301,510 147 
 Congo 2,456,065,010 16  72 
 Whirlwind 1,499,100 136 
 Addams Family Gold 97,712,700 52  36 
 Jack*Bot 736,958,410 145 
 Total 108 

Entry #5009 (division K1)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Paragon 337,660 83 
 Big Game 74,500 102 
 Flip Flop 142,580 100 
 Volley 31,900 95 
 Total 183 

Entry #5061 (division K1)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Hot Line 703 93 
 Paragon 176,080 18  70 
 Scuba 1,910 60  28 
 Cosmos 879 46  42 
 Total 141 

Entry #5335 (division K2)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 KISS 157,750 40  48 
 Miss-O 5,045 12  76 
 Ali 64,050 92 
 Nitro Groundshaker 23,850 93 
 Total 124 

Entry #5461 (division K2)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 KISS 66,050 66  22 
 Xenon 657,330 11  77 
 Cleopatra 38,690 76  12 
 Ali 135,650 67  21 
 Total 132 

This player has 4 voided entries which do not affect the qualifying standings.

This listing may not reflect all voided entries, nor does it include any entries played in a lower division (for players who have moved up).

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