Player #250 - Drew Cedolia

Entry #1047 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Judge Dredd 270,663,900 45  43 
 Simpsons Pinball Party 5,447,670 84 
 Sopranos 78,689,300 38  50 
 Whitewater 452,362,450 28  60 
 World Cup Soccer 975,643,880 48  40 
 Total 197 

Entry #1072 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Judge Dredd 392,938,050 16  72 
 Simpsons Pinball Party 1,796,520 132 
 World Cup Soccer 1,178,522,740 40  48 
 Whitewater 48,990,990 112 
 Sopranos 20,197,700 107 
 Total 120 

Entry #1104 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Judge Dredd 64,443,410 135 
 Simpsons Pinball Party 8,844,190 67  21 
 World Cup Soccer 482,081,650 96 
 Whitewater 1,368,968,870 90 
 Sopranos 174,115,820 82 
 Total 193 

Entry #1174 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Congo 2,527,604,920 15  73 
 Whirlwind 10,678,980 20  68 
 Addams Family Gold 139,689,350 20  68 
 Jack*Bot 381,835,940 179 
 Attack From Mars 418,498,910 151 
 Total 209 

Entry #1214 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Judge Dredd 182,820,730 77  11 
 Whitewater 17,760,330 138 
 Sopranos 31,324,260 94 
 Addams Family Gold 19,175,290 191 
 Congo 4,926,657,280 100 
 Total 111 

Entry #1325 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Judge Dredd 30,625,920 156 
 Congo 2,727,298,070 79 
 Whitewater 1,008,221,060 11  77 
 Sopranos 87,053,840 34  54 
 Addams Family Gold 52,486,120 114 
 Total 210 

Entry #1409 (division A)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Judge Dredd 156,208,760 87 
 Congo 737,402,030 81 
 Whitewater 1,349,371,080 85 
 Sopranos 54,240,090 59  29 
 Simpsons Pinball Party 10,293,470 63  25 
 Total 147 

Entry #5111 (division K1)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Big Game 131,910 82 
 Paragon 53,610 79 
 Flip Flop 96,040 18  70 
 Scuba 3,715 20  68 
 Total 153 

Entry #5492 (division K2)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 KISS 328,620 16  72 
 Xenon 75,840 69  19 
 Nitro Groundshaker 48,640 75  13 
 Ali 83,050 88 
 Total 104 

This player has 5 voided entries which do not affect the qualifying standings.

This listing may not reflect all voided entries, nor does it include any entries played in a lower division (for players who have moved up).

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