Player #328 - Dominic Denicola

Entry #4062 (division J)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Whitewater 17,346,140 22  66 
 Lost World 229,000 90 
 El Toro 7,990 36  52 
 Hurricane 3,662,240 13  75 
 Total 283 

Entry #4066 (division J)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Lost World 68,440 16  72 
 Tales of the Arabian Nights 3,959,830 17  71 
 Whitewater 9,376,430 32  56 
 Johnny Mnemonic 441,719,000 27  61 
 Total 260 

Entry #4084 (division J)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Tales of the Arabian Nights 3,842,210 18  70 
 Lost World 58,020 20  68 
 Johnny Mnemonic 745,095,320 15  73 
 Whitewater 45,046,870 14  74 
 Total 285 

Entry #4092 (division J)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Tales of the Arabian Nights 3,380,840 19  69 
 Hurricane 3,790,500 11  77 
 Whitewater 66,442,640 81 
 Johnny Mnemonic 1,221,693,870 83 
 Total 310 

Entry #4116 (division J)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Whitewater 23,750,440 19  69 
 Johnny Mnemonic 562,177,390 20  68 
 Hurricane 18,902,550 90 
 Tales of the Arabian Nights 669,710 39  49 
 Total 276 

Entry #4123 (division J)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Black Hole 28,000 32  56 
 Lost World 45,080 25  63 
 Tales of the Arabian Nights 1,597,300 31  57 
 El Toro 20,640 12  76 
 Total 252 

Entry #4124 (division J)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Black Hole 27,550 33  55 
 El Toro 2,340 44  44 
 Johnny Mnemonic 547,100,990 21  67 
 Hurricane 4,233,030 10  78 
 Total 244 

Entry #4129 (division J)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Tales of the Arabian Nights 2,041,320 26  62 
 El Toro 16,140 22  66 
 Johnny Mnemonic 610,601,000 19  69 
 Black Hole 80,650 13  75 
 Total 272 

This player has 1 voided entry which does not affect the qualifying standings.

This listing may not reflect all voided entries, nor does it include any entries played in a lower division (for players who have moved up).

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