Player #192 - Madelynne Pursglove

Entry #3048 (division C)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Diner 2,365,330 131 
 Monopoly 9,671,010 32  56 
 Terminator 3 35,671,390 65  23 
 Lord of the Rings 33,851,310 37  51 
 World Cup Soccer 494,517,010 67  21 
 Total 151 

Entry #3419 (division C)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Diner 718,530 227 
 Monopoly 6,255,670 95 
 Terminator 3 49,968,980 42  46 
 Sopranos 7,941,100 210 
 Lord of the Rings 41,207,880 27  61 
 Total 107 

Entry #4087 (division K1)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Harlem Globetrotters 292,140 42  46 
 Wizard! 45,520 42  46 
 Silverball Mania 420,460 21  67 
 El Toro 12,440 60  28 
 Total 187 

Entry #4253 (division K2)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Future Spa 257,830 26  62 
 Middle Earth 19,020 59  29 
 Card Whiz 5,120 110 
 Gay 90's 1,295 58  30 
 Total 121 

This player has 2 voided entries which do not affect the qualifying standings.

This listing may not reflect all voided entries, nor does it include any entries played in a lower division (for players who have moved up).

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