Player #234 - Marvin Ortscheid

Entry #3013 (division C)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Lord of the Rings 4,346,760 240 
 World Cup Soccer 184,682,940 232 
 Terminator 3 20,593,610 161 
 Dirty Harry 947,550,040 90 
 Congo 447,866,010 57  31 
 Total 121 

Entry #3033 (division C)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Sopranos 6,967,780 223 
 World Cup Soccer 789,619,600 20  68 
 Terminator 3 33,142,340 74  14 
 Dirty Harry 407,721,400 33  55 
 Congo 136,311,950 177 
 Total 137 

Entry #3109 (division C)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 World Cup Soccer 478,604,270 73  15 
 Dirty Harry 756,987,850 81 
 Terminator 3 51,578,760 35  53 
 Congo 260,551,440 111 
 Lord of the Rings 8,514,330 157 
 Total 149 

This listing may not reflect all voided entries, nor does it include any entries played in a lower division (for players who have moved up).

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