Player #305 - Paul Drabik

Entry #2086 (division B)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Whitewater 146,533,310 69  19 
 World Poker Tour 58,554,560 22  66 
 Indiana Jones 87,047,190 65  23 
 High Speed 253,650 159 
 Simpsons' Pinball Party 2,471,590 154 
 Total 108 

Entry #2123 (division B)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Scared Stiff 9,404,950 53  35 
 Indiana Jones 103,677,650 53  35 
 World Poker Tour 129,728,220 100 
 Jack*Bot 827,768,500 102 
 Taxi 741,850 156 
 Total 170 

Entry #4108 (division K1)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Stingray 128,310 122 
 World Cup 153,730 51  37 
 Harlem Globetrotters 161,130 72  16 
 Silverball Mania 49,860 96 
 Total 53 

This player has 1 voided entry which does not affect the qualifying standings.

This listing may not reflect all voided entries, nor does it include any entries played in a lower division (for players who have moved up).

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