Player #338 - Brian Galasso

Entry #3198 (division C)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Lord of the Rings 6,387,770 191 
 Sopranos 2,874,120 291 
 World Cup Soccer 96,954,930 292 
 Black Rose 3,093,080 116 
 Monopoly 1,077,310 243 

Entry #3430 (division C)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 World Cup Soccer 230,872,180 197 
 Lord of the Rings 9,159,010 150 
 Sopranos 13,624,720 137 
 Black Rose 310,990 160 
 Monopoly 1,265,210 240 

Entry #3468 (division C)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 World Cup Soccer 370,528,780 107 
 Sopranos 6,577,070 227 
 Lord of the Rings 8,760,780 155 
 Terminator 3 34,396,650 69  19 
 Congo 80,354,130 218 
 Total 19 

This listing may not reflect all voided entries, nor does it include any entries played in a lower division (for players who have moved up).

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