Player #348 - Jory Replayboy Rabinovitz

Entry #2410 (division B)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 High Speed 877,320 95 
 Simpsons' Pinball Party 30,527,590 20  68 
 World Poker Tour 29,216,330 71  17 
 Jack*Bot 1,360,083,120 50  38 
 Taxi 564,410 197 
 Total 123 

Entry #2524 (division B)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Surf 'n' Safari 14,155,130 102 
 Simpsons' Pinball Party 30,825,460 19  69 
 World Poker Tour 28,366,160 75  13 
 Jack*Bot 1,704,095,500 31  57 
 Taxi 1,567,560 34  54 
 Total 193 

This player has 7 voided entries which do not affect the qualifying standings.

This listing may not reflect all voided entries, nor does it include any entries played in a lower division (for players who have moved up).

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