Cumulative Record:
52 - 68
Machines Played:
Argosy, Avatar, Aztec, Banzai Run, Bird Man, Cheetah, Class of 1812, Count-Down, Elvira and the Party Monsters, Evel Knievel, F-14 Tomcat, Fathom, Fireball, Funhouse, Genie, Grand Lizard, Guns 'N Roses, Harlem Globetrotters, Hokus Pokus, Hook, Independence Day, Jackbot, Liberty Bell, Medusa, Monster Bash, Nip-It, No Fear, Old Chicago, Party Zone, Pat Hand, Pirates of the Caribbean, RoboCop, Scuba, Sopranos, Sorcerer, Space Shuttle, Taxi, Theatre of Magic, Tommy, Volcano, Volley, World Cup Soccer