Cumulative Record:
32 - 28 (in Division D, Friday records do not carry over into Saturday)
Machines Played:
AC/DC LE, Airborne, Al's Garage Band, Algar, Atlantis, Avatar, Barracora, Big Game, Big Indian, Captain Fantastic, Corvette, Count-Down, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Cyclone, Cyclopes, Dr. Dude, Dragon, El Toro, Faces, Fireball, Future Spa, Genesis, Godzilla, Grand Prix, Incredible Hulk, Last Action Hero, Mars Trek, Nitro Groundshaker, Ready Aim Fire, Simpsons Pinball Party, Sound Stage, Space Station, Star Trek The Next Generation, Stars, TX-Sector, Taxi, Terminator 3, Tron Pro, Twilight Zone, Wizard