Player #156 - Timothy Post

Entry #2421 (division B)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Fish Tales 8,586,930 169 
 Dracula 95,204,690 94 
 World Cup Soccer 79,917,110 209 
 Dr. Dude 1,083,960 164 
 High Speed 369,560 107 

Entry #4373 (division K2)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Spanish Eyes 15,090 79 
 Cyclopes 70,160 87 
 Centaur 671,050 34  54 
 Taxi 871,850 50  38 
 Total 102 

Entry #6045 (division S)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 World Cup Soccer 275,774,670 23  65 
 Whirlwind 2,122,240 12  76 
 Paragon 16,410 32  56 
 Big Guns 900,200 83 
 Total 280 

Entry #6067 (division S)
 Machine Score  Rank   Points 
 Whirlwind 2,467,850 10  78 
 Big Guns 646,340 79 
 World Cup Soccer 381,743,350 13  75 
 Fire! 326,130 31  57 
 Total 289 

This listing may not reflect all voided entries, nor does it include any entries played in a lower division (for players who have moved up).

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