Entry #3304 (division C)

Machine Score Rank Points
The Addams Family 5,621,350 364 0
CSI 1,028,250 384 0
Iron Man 4,586,250 201 0
The Simpsons Pinball Party 5,871,370 57 31
Twilight Zone 19,307,710 342 0
Total 31

Entry #3318 (division C)

Machine Score Rank Points
The Addams Family 9,112,300 320 0
Iron Man 1,302,420 471 0
The Simpsons Pinball Party 731,260 352 0
Twilight Zone 14,610,280 363 0
World Cup Soccer 52,633,820 417 0
Total 0

Entry #3728 (division C)

Machine Score Rank Points
Iron Man 3,521,620 292 0
Terminator 2 23,083,170 87 1
The Simpsons Pinball Party 5,586,930 61 27
Wheel of Fortune 15,835,370 13 75
World Cup Soccer 257,524,980 188 0
Total 103

Entry #7045 (division S)

Machine Score Rank Points
Whirlwind 1,695,140 72 16
Theatre of Magic 36,600,140 156 0
Shadow 96,612,640 52 36
Congo 40,017,980 137 0
Total 52

Entry #7060 (division S)

Machine Score Rank Points
Banzai Run 163,500 122 0
Class of 1812 3,634,180 82 6
Genie 181,540 47 41
Theatre of Magic 25,300,000 168 0
Total 47

Entry #7076 (division S)

Machine Score Rank Points
Banzai Run 88,540 123 0
Class of 1812 1,126,150 121 0
Genie 138,170 72 16
Whirlwind 1,801,080 67 21
Total 37

Entry #7160 (division S)

Machine Score Rank Points
Whirlwind 1,317,750 102 0
Theatre of Magic 49,350,010 137 0
Shadow 34,011,210 96 0
Class of 1812 6,585,150 41 47
Total 47

Entry #7161 (division S)

Machine Score Rank Points
Whirlwind 3,134,890 28 60
Theatre of Magic 218,277,070 56 32
Congo 236,787,300 60 28
Class of 1812 4,288,300 70 18
Total 138

Entry #7186 (division S)

Machine Score Rank Points
Whirlwind 978,680 121 0
Theatre of Magic 158,550,250 67 21
Congo 51,528,440 132 0
Class of 1812 2,782,400 101 0
Total 21

Entry #7258 (division S)

Machine Score Rank Points
Theatre of Magic 132,450,510 81 7
Shadow 115,771,980 36 52
Genie 93,250 113 0
Congo 346,751,500 34 54
Total 113

This listing does not include entries never turned in, nor entries invalidated by moving up to a higher division.