Cumulative Record:
32 - 28 (in Division D, Friday records do not carry over into Saturday)
Machines Played:
2001, AC/DC LE, Airborne, Al's Garage Band, Alien Poker, Austin Powers, Barracora, Bird Man, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Card Whiz, Catacomb, Cosmic Gunfight, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Cyclone, Cyclopes, Demolition Man, Dragon, El Toro, Escape from the Lost World, Evel Knievel, Faces, Fast Draw, Gator, Genie, Godzilla, Hokus Pokus, Mars Trek, No Fear, Pinball Magic, Pinbot, Power Play, Ready Aim Fire, RoboCop, Sorcerer, Space Station, Star Trek The Next Generation, Stars, Starship Troopers, Theatre of Magic, Time Machine