Cumulative Record:
24 - 36 (in Division D, Friday records do not carry over into Saturday)
Machines Played:
Batman Dark Knight, Big Buck Hunter, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Cosmic Gunfight, Demolition Man, Earthshaker, Elvira and the Party Monsters, Escape from the Lost World, Family Guy, Fast Draw, Flash, Force II, Freedom, Gator, Genie, High Speed, Hokus Pokus, Hot Tip, Iron Man, Judge Dredd, KISS, King Kool, Little Chief, Medusa, NBA, Paragon, Pat Hand, Power Play, Prospector, Scorpion, Sorcerer, Spider-Man, Stargate, Starship Troopers, Surf 'n Safari, Surfer, Tales from the Crypt, Theatre of Magic, Tommy, Xenon