Pinburgh 2011: Match Play For All!
Hotel & Travel Information
The Pinburgh 2011 tournament is being held at the PAPA World Headquarters, a standalone facility in Scott Township, Pennsylvania, just west of Pittsburgh. I-279 and I-79 are nearby and adjacent exits have quite a few hotels. Hotels in the area may have limited room availability. We recommend securing hotel reservations early!Directions to the facility are available here.
Several hotels are listed below; you may be able to secure better rates by referencing "PAPA" when making reservations (you may also have luck with Priceline).
101 Radisson Dr, Pittsburgh PA 15205
2.0 miles to PAPA
$85/night (1 to 4 occupancy), plus taxes
(412) 922-8400 or 1-800-395-7046
Web Site
Extended Stay America
520 N. Bell Ave, Carnegie PA 15106
1.1 miles to PAPA
has fully equipped kitchens
(412) 278-4001 or 1-800-804-3724
Web Site
Knights Inn
5.0 miles to PAPA
111 Hickory Grade Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
$48/night, plus tax
(412) 221-8110
Red Roof
5.8 miles to PAPA
6404 Steubenville Pike
Pittsburgh, PA 15205
(412) 787-7870
$45.99/night, plus tax
Days Inn
10.2 miles to PAPA
2500 Market Place Blvd
Coraopolis, PA 15108
(412) 859-4000
$55/night, plus tax
We are not providing a shuttle to PAPA from these hotels during the Pinburgh event. We do provide a shuttle during the World Pinball Championships in August, but this is expected to be a smaller event. Players will be responsible for their own transportation. On the plus side, parking should not be as saturated at the facility.
If you are considering a hotel outside of the immediate area, please note that Pittsburgh International Airport is 13.5 miles west of PAPA, and downtown Pittsburgh is 6.5 miles east. For automobile rental, we recommend searching on a travel service such as Orbitz, which may be able to offer rentals as low as $37/day.