PAPA 8: World Pinball Championships
At any time when qualifications are open, players may choose to enter any of the special mini-tournaments offered. Each entry costs $5 per player and registration is not required. Each player may enter as many times as he or she likes. In each case, play on the designated machine is under a specific set of rules, and the high total score in each category (Expert and Novice) wins the assigned prize.For each mini-tournament, entries are separated into Expert and Novice categories. This is done automatically, according to which player(s) have participated on an entry. If an A or B Division player has participated, the mini-tournament entry automatically becomes an Expert entry. If no A or B Division player has participated, the entry automatically becomes a Novice entry. Any player who is not registered, or who has not played in any skill division, will have his or her entries treated as Novice. In the event such a player later enters the A or B Division, his or her mini-tournament entries will automatically be reassigned to the Expert category.
We are planning to offer the following mini-tournaments:
- Single-Handed - $5 Entry Fee
Player must play with only one hand and may not switch hands. Player should hold the unused hand behind his or her back. - Tense Two-Minute Drill - $5 Entry Fee
Player may play normally but after exactly two minutes, must step away from the machine and allow the ball to drain if it is in play. The scorekeeper will record the score at this point. Timing is provided by the scorekeeper. - One-Ball - $5 Entry Fee
Player may play normally but after the first ball of play drains, the scorekeeper will record the score. Extra balls may not be played. - Doubles Split-Flipper - $5 Entry Fee, per player (2 players)
Two players will share a normal game, with each player controlling one flipper button (specifically, all buttons on one side of the cabinet). Players may not switch positions during the game. If either player is entered in A or B Division, the entry will count as Expert. - Triples - $5 Entry Fee, per player (3 players)
Three players will play a normal game, with each player playing one ball. Three different players must play. If any one player is entered in A or B Division, the entry will count as Expert. - Tommy Mode - $5 Entry Fee
Player may play normally but the machine has the lower flipper area obscured from view. Player may view from any angle but may not employ a spotter (ie, a person helping) or a device such as a mirror. - Mystery - $5 Entry Fee
Player may play normally but the machine has unspecified modifications which may increase the challenge.
Other mini-tournaments may be offered during the event.
To participate in a mini-tournament, players should pay the entry fee at the registration desk, where they will be assigned a score sheet and scorekeeper. The scorekeeper will submit the completed entry for scoring. In the event no scorekeeper is available, players may be required to wait.
The prize for each winning player in each category (Expert and Novice) for each mini-tournament is $200. Thus, the three players who post the highest score in the Expert category for Triples will each receive $200. These are guaranteed prizes which are not dependent on the number of entries in each mini-tournament.
In the event of major malfunctions or other problems, tournament officials may elect to discontinue any mini-tournament at any time.